PostBack To Server On Spell Check Finish

RapidSpellWebLauncher and RapidSpellWebMultiple can post-back to the server when the spell check has completed, making it possible to read the updated text box on the server after corrections have been made. To enable this behavior set the PostBackOnFinish property to true; It is then appropriate to set a server-side listener:

Setting Server Side Finish Event in C#

RapidSpellWebMultiple1.Finish += new EventHandler(RapidSpellWebMultiple1_Finish);
private void RapidSpellWebMultiple1_Finish(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Setting Server Side Finish Event in VB.NET

Private Sub SpellCheckFinished(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Handles RapidSpellWebMultiple1.Finish
End Sub

The RapidSpellWebLauncher control will post back to the server whenever spell check finishes (either through completion or cancellation), but will NOT post back when used in conjunction with RapidSpellWebMultiple.

The RapidSpellWebMultiple control will post back to the server when checking of all text boxes has been completed or checking has been cancelled.